Time is becoming increasingly important in our fast-moving world.
Intelligent, InstantRed-BlueFresh System has now put an end to all that waiting
for boiling water. They dispense boiling hot water at the touch of a tap to make
fresh tea, coffee or other hot drinks. And it is worth taking into account they
can be more economic to run than conventional kettles that often heat more water
than is actually used. With an InstantRed-BlueFresh System, you can make coffee,
tea, hot cider, hot chocolate or any hot drink - instantly. In the past you
would have needed a pot or kettle, now it comes directly from the tap. The
possibilities are endless when you have instant boiling water on tap in you
kitchen, for example hot drinks instantly, no need pre boil water for pasta,
eggs and vegetables just take it straight from the Castle Bay FilterWater tap.
InstantRed-BlueFresh Filter System consists of just a fitting device which
can be installed unobtrusively and compactly under any standard sink, making
water boilers and kettles a thing of the past. The device is equipped with an
integrated 4 stage high performance filtration system. The Castle Bay
InstantRed-BlueFresh Filter System filters out heavy metals such as lead and
copper, removes substances which impair the smell and taste, such as chlorine
and organic compounds - so you are left with fresh filtered water for that great
tasting cup of tea or coffee.
Castle Bay InstantRed-BlueFresh Filter System makes your life more
convenient. InstantRed-BlueFresh Filter System goes beyond regular taps to
introduce new features, functionality and convenience to your kitchen. Click on
our FilterWater Faucets section for more information of the various taps.
Filtered and chilled or kettle hot, our water systems supply water directly from
the kitchen tap -offering real innovations and unique features designed to save
you time and money.
Now. It's been called "The Next Necessity" because once you have one you
wonder how you lived without it. Who can say no to the convenience of
freshly-filtered water on tap? When time is of the essence, InstantRed-BlueFresh
Filter System is on hand, ready to deliver kettle hot water straight from the